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ॐ                                                                ॐ                      


I have always been a very spiritual person; I believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of spirits and angels. My soul purpose and mission is to help people awaken to their truth and I sincerely with to help them discover their divinity and their true spiritual potential.


Whether this is your first visit to my site, or you’re a returning visitor, I’d like to thank you for believing in me. I welcome you all to my realm of guidance which is channeled from the higher source and the cosmic world. Please embrace the messages with an open mind; I deliver what you need, not necessarily what you want, with the help of my spiritual team. The readings will be honest and insightful, with no fluff, and using tools like Oracle Cards, Pendulum, Channeling, using my Clairs (Clairaudient - I 'hear' from my guides, Clairvoyant - I 'see' visions, Claircognizant - I 'know' this seems to happen from nowhere, Clairsentient - I 'feel' energy from people's situations) and Reiki.

My Story - Heal yourself, heal others !

Namaste, I am Payal, a psychic, intuitive channel, a Reiki Healer Master, and an Oracle card reader. After experiencing certain heart-breaking traumas and battling health issues in my life, I had my Kundalini rising and spiritual awakening that I consider as a gift from the Universe. I feel myself as a blessed child of god ‘The Chosen One’ who is on a divine purpose to heal and guide to break through so they can live an authentic, abundant, and aligned life. I was able to raise my vibrations, help rewire my brain and got aligned with the Universal energies after I started experiencing my Kundalini awakening. One thing led to another and now when I look back at my spiritual journey in the past few years, I see myself completely transformed – Manifestations have become easier.

Namaste Greeting

I remember as a child I was highly psychic – the most sensitive child amongst us three siblings. I always felt something missing in my life; this haunted me and left me all incomplete through the years. I was in search of something deep that would quench my soul thirst. I would keenly observe smallest of activities around me – ants moving on the floor, flying butterflies, blooming flowers, leaves on a tree enjoying the breeze, the beautiful blue sky, twinkling stars in the night, morning and evening sun giving us the much-needed warmth, the beautiful calming moon, and so on. This would give me a lot of peace and make me happy from within. I always loved and enjoyed my own company and never felt alone. There was some divine force, some divine guidance always with me, guiding me at every step but I was never sure what or who it was.


I would talk to an unseen power each night, by looking at the silent sky, the sparkling stars, and pick up many energy signs, synchronicities, that confirmed me the presence of guides and angels around me – yes, I was never alone.


It wasn’t until I went through my Kundalini awakening, health issues and traumas, that I connected with my intuitive self and realized the spiritual gifts bestowed upon me. I was led to discover different healing modalities and unearthed my psychic gifts which guided me to reach my potential in the spiritual world and connect with them. I feel I am on a soul mission after finding my soul path as a Reiki Master healer, and an intuitive channel. This beautiful divine experience and presence of angels around me has transformed my life, my health and me as a person. I strongly believe in my spiritual team, my guardian angels, healing powers of Mother Gaya, and want to heal whoever may be in need. They connect with me and I pick up all their signs and guidance. With their blessings, I feel strong, abundant, fearless, healthy, aligned, grounded, and protected. I am opening different kinds of sessions that you can sign up for.

Together we will journey into issues to find the answers you are looking for. Contact me to begin a serene, healing, and cleansing experience.

May all be blessed by the divine!!

ॐ Aum ॐ

Payal Pihu, the artist

I am also a freelance, self-taught, contemporary and figurative artist, currently based out of Penang, Malaysia, who loves to capture emotions and expressions in paintings which evoke and reflect the beauty and strength of women. I started painting as a hobby after completing my Bachelors in Arts and gradually realized I could not stay away from colors. Starting with basic oil works, I diversified into abstracts, mixed media, charcoal, etc. Over the years, I discovered my strengths around promoting and reflecting different aspects of womanhood. Thereon, I matured towards realism. In my recent collection, I have tried to evoke a sense of place, peace and calm within one’s soul. Thanks to my divine gifts, I am now moving to spiritual fusion art.


As an artist, it brings me a lot of joy and confidence when I reflect the essence of womanhood through my art. On my web portal, you would be able to browse through my collection, buy canvas prints and original art / paintings as well. I have also added various PayalPihu branded souvenirs that you can buy, something that I will continue to add as and when I create new art.....

Credentials / Certification

  • Certified Reiki Master Healer (All levels)

  • Kundalini Rising / Energy Healer

  • Intuitive Psychic Mediumship

  • Certified Intuitive Intensive

  • Channeled Oracle Card Reader

  • Diploma in Fine Arts

  • Bachelor of Arts

  • Animal and Nature Lover

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Well , GRATITUDE is the word I would like to use here. Payal has been a continuous guide for me over a period of time .... While I was stuck in joys of the 3D world but still not happy with life , she showed me the path - guided me to heal my traumas and today - I can say that I am the best version of myself - though still it's a long journey - but a happy journey I really don't need to specify whats going on with me - being a psychic medium she is able to gauge my energies even on a 2 sec call

average rating is 5 out of 5

Harjeet Grover

Payal is a good healer, counselor.. Her positive, energetic vibes & guidance change ur attitude towards Life u r living. She is a very good mentor.. I was depressed..took 2 sessions of healing... I feel very happy and energetic...She is very sweet, calm & listen to ur problems very patiently..God Bless U ...

average rating is 5 out of 5

Pratima Saxena

Payalpihu is one of the most caring, selfless, kind-hearted, intuitive, and potent healers.
She truly can see what is discomfort and help you to heal it. 
She is a blessing soul to herself, her family, and her near dear ones.
Loads of love, blessings, and happiness from my family to your family.
As a reiki healer, she heals with pure thoughts, words, and small things that matter a lot, she reminds you when you listen to her patiently.
voice has the power to heal, it will soothe you n your surro

average rating is 5 out of 5

Barrett Hopper

I have had a variety of sessions with Payal. Not only were the sessions enlightening, but she took the time to follow up on the tips that she shared. I immediately put her suggestions for emotional balance to work and experienced immediate results. I highly recommend Payal for a unique experience to help you achieve desired balance.

average rating is 5 out of 5


"Truly a gifted healer , with incredible energy. Your healing works wonders for me.
I feel so positive and subtle after your sessions. Thank you so much!!

average rating is 5 out of 5


Had a few sessions with Payal - very informative and accurate. She can easily gauge your energies in no time and tell you what you are thinking and going through. The best part is that she guides you with what you should do and not do which a lot of healers don't suggest.
I feel she's is amazingly talented in her field not only in giving readings but also when it comes to healing.
The suggestions I have received to work on my Chakras are great !!
Will definitely have more sessions with her.

average rating is 5 out of 5

Barrett Hopper

Easy to book

average rating is 5 out of 5


"Really very positive energy transformation service.... I was suggested by my friend and went through different sessions of healings... It was full energy and all the tarot cards were accurate.
She is an awesome reader, healer and explains every point very clearly.
The best part of her  service is do and don't part in life.
My Thanks to this beautiful Lady.
Payal really feeling blessed to have connected with you

average rating is 5 out of 5

Param Veer Singh

पायल जी, आपने कुछ समय पहले मेरे लिए readings निकाली थीं। वो readings काफ़ी accurate थीं। आपने सभी चीजों का बहुत बारिकी से अध्यन किया जिसकी वजह से मुझे काफ़ी मदद मिली। मैंने आपके बताए उपायों पर भी काम किया जिससे उन समस्याओं से निदान पाने में सफलता प्राप्त हुई। आपसे बात करके दिल को असीम सुकून प्राप्त हुआ। मैं तहे दिल से आपका शुक्रियाअदा करना चाहता हूँ।

average rating is 5 out of 5


Miraculously Healed By Payal didi..My Fits are controlled...My soul Healer whenever I want she is with me Heal me with her magic. Thank you so much payal didi and love you lots.

average rating is 5 out of 5

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